NAVCOMPT Form 3065 Leave Request / Authorization

NAVCOMPT Form 3065 Leave Request / Authorization

What Is NAVCOMPT Form 3065?

NAVCOMPT Form 3065, Leave Request/Authorization , is a legal document completed by a service member to request a leave. It serves as an authorization document and allows the applicant to report ordinary sick leave, emergency leave, or graduation leave. A properly-filled-out NAVCOMPT Form 3065 will deduct leave from service member's accrued leave balance and pay leave rations to enlisted service members.

Alternate Name:

  • Navy Leave Chit Form.

This form was released by the U.S. Department of the Navy - Navy Comptroller on January 1, 2007 , with all previous editions obsolete. A Navy Leave Chit (PDF) fillable version is available through the link below.


Navy Leave Chit Instructions

When a service member completes NAVCOMPT 3065, the form must be given to the reviewing officer of the personnel office (usually, your commanding officer) who approves or disapproves the request by checking the appropriate box. The officer writes down their name, signs, and dates the form. When you depart and return, your authorization will be checked by the officer of the deck who verifies the information in the request, enters the hour and date of your departure and arrival, and signs the form. Once the leave is ended, the form is given to the certifying officer who will check its correctness, indicate the eventual leave period, and sign the form.

Follow these steps to fill out the Navy Leave Chit Form:

  1. Write down the date of request, your social security number, and your full name.
  2. Indicate your paygrade, ship or station, department or division, duty section, and duty phone.
  3. Select the type of leave - regular, sick, emergency, separation, retirement, other.
  4. State the mode of travel - air, bus, car, or train.
  5. Record how many days of leave you need and specify the hours and dates of the potential leave.
  6. Enter your normal working hours the days of departure and return.
  7. Indicate your leave balance and leave you used this fiscal year.
  8. Write down the leave phone and address.
  9. Record your ration status - whether you have commuted rations, meal pass, or entitlement to enlisted dining facility meals.
  10. Certify you have sufficient funds to cover the cost of your round-trip travel and sign the form.

Tips for NAVCOMPT Form 3065

  • Keep Form 3065 with you at all times. You might be subject to immediate recall, so inform your commanding officer of the change of your leave address;
  • Have enough money to make sure you have return transportation. Plan your trip carefully - make allowances for delays, check transportation schedules and weather conditions on the date of return;
  • Do not discuss your Navy service unless you are certain a subject is unclassified;
  • In case of a serious injury or illness that requires medical attention, inform your commanding officer about it;
  • If you need to request an extension of the leave, contact your commanding officer by telegram. The extension will be granted when the authorizing officer signs the document;
  • Give your leave authorization to the office designated by your command upon return from leave.

Other Revision

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