Form T777 Statement of Employment Expenses - Canada

Form T777 Statement of Employment Expenses - Canada

What Is Form T777?

Form T777, Statement of Employment Expenses , is used by employees who often need to supply themselves with materials necessary to complete their work, but are not reimbursed through the place of work for these expenses. This will help a worker track these expenses so they can then receive a GST/HST rebate.

Alternate Name:

  • T777 Tax Form.

This form is issued by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) and was last updated on January 1, 2023 . A fillable T777 Form is available for download below. A large-print version of this document can be found through this link.


How to Fill Out T777 Form?

  1. In the first section of this form, you will need to include all expenses you have incurred while performing your normal job duties.
  2. The next section will ask you to calculate all vehicle-related costs, including the total distance used to travel for work, any maintenance needed on the vehicle, registration and licensing fees, and any leasing costs. Once you have input this information, the form will have you complete a few calculations to determine the total amount you will be able to deduct for this section.
  3. If your work is performed from home, you will be able to detail your expenses for things such as heating, electricity, rent or property taxes, any maintenance made to the work area, and other additional expenses not already covered in the first section. From this, you will subtract the amount of space used in your property for personal use and subtract it from the total amount of income you have made to calculate your expenses for this section.
  4. Once you have completed these three sections you will have the final GST/HST rebate amount that you can expect to receive.
  5. If you need further assistance determining any depreciating assets in the above sections (such as for vehicles), there are additional Parts A and B below the "Work From Home" section that you can use to calculate that part of the rebate form.
  6. After completing this form you will then include a copy of it with the rest of your return.

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