VA Form 26-1820 Report and Certification of Loan Disbursement

VA Form 26-1820 Report and Certification of Loan Disbursement

What Is VA Form 26-1820?

VA Form 26-1820, Report and Certification of Loan Disbursement , is a formal document prepared and signed by the lender and the veteran servicemember to confirm the loan requested by the veteran is closed and the veteran is now responsible for making loan payments. The lender, approved by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), must send this form to the VA to show the loan has been approved in compliance with all existing rules and regulations.

This form was released by the VA on October 1, 2022 , with all previous editions obsolete. Download a VA Form 26-1820 via the link below.


How to Fill Out VA Form 26-1820?

VA Form 26-1820 instructions are as follows:

  1. Tick the box to indicate whether the loan was approved automatically or you have asked the VA to examine the terms of the loan prior to signing the necessary documents.
  2. State the number of the VA loan, the number of the lender's loan, and the identification number of the lender.
  3. Record the actual date of preparing the report.
  4. Write down the full name and address of the veteran servicemember. Add their social security number and identify the veteran's family member who will be contacted in case of emergency.
  5. Confirm the parties have negotiated and agreed to the loan guaranty and/or obtained insurance for the loan.
  6. Select the appropriate box to state the purpose of the loan. For instance, the veteran buys a condominium unit or the loan helps them to purchase the house that was previously occupied.
  7. Write down the location of the real estate that secures the loan and the loan amount.
  8. List the terms of the loan the parties have consented to. It is particularly important to add the term of the loan so that the parties are able to manage their expectations.
  9. Choose the type of lien applicable in your situation.
  10. Specify the individual who holds the title of the property and indicate the form of ownership.
  11. List the amount of annual taxes, insurance policy, assessment payments, and maintenance assessment.
  12. If the parties have agreed to additional security for the loan, describe. List people liable for loan payments.
  13. In case the land is bought by a separate transaction, add the date of purchase and the value of the land.
  14. Specify the location of the funds withheld from loan proceeds.
  15. Identify all agents of the lender who participated in the closing of the loan.
  16. Add the name and contact information of the lender. Sign and date the document. The form is to be examined and signed by the lender and the borrower who certify their agreement with the terms and conditions of the loan.

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