DD Form 1380 Tactical Combat Casualty Care (Tccc) Card

DD Form 1380 Tactical Combat Casualty Care (Tccc) Card

What Is DD Form 1380?

DD Form 1380, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card , is a document used to record basic patient identification information and to outline the problem that needs medical assistance and care provided. The latest version of the form was issued by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). A generic printable DD Form 1380 is available for download below.

Alternate Name:

  • TCCC Card.

The TCCC Card is often confused with DA Form 1380, Record of Individual Performance of Reserve Duty Training. This form is an integral part of first aid kits, and tactical evacuation personnel along with combat medics are required to carry multiple blank versions of the document. The field medical card records pre-medical treatment facility care in case of both battle and non-battle injuries. Most commonly it is focused on injuries and threats encountered in combat and on a limited range of interventions directed at the most urgent and serious of these injuries.


How to Fill Out DD Form 1380?

In combat or training all personnel, not only soldiers and combat medics, are in danger of becoming casualties and of being first responders. Almost all combat fatalities occur before the casualty is able to reach a medical treatment facility, so performing trauma care and recording it properly has saved hundreds of lives. Documentation of medical interventions at the point of injury is crucial to ensuring continuity of medical care and providing meaningful data of medical techniques, tactics, and procedures applied. It is paramount to optimize trauma care delivery and its documentation to save lives on and off the battlefield.

DD Form 1380 instructions are as follows:

  1. Choose the casualty's evacuation precedence or priority: "Urgent" (within 2 hours), "Priority" (within 4 hours), or "Routine" (within 24 hours).
  2. State the battle roster number using the first letters of the casualty's first and last name, and the last four numbers of the Social Security Number (SSN). For example, John Winston 123-45-7891 is battle roster number "JW7891."
  3. Write down the casualty's full name, the last four digits of the SSN, the date and time of injury, the unit name, and the casualty's known drug allergies.
  4. Select the mechanism of injury (choose all causes that apply).
  5. Mark an "X" to show the location of the injury on the body. If tourniquets are applied to arms and legs, write the type of the tourniquet used and the time of its application. Record vital signs and symptoms. Provide information on the pulse rate and location, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, the level of consciousness, and the level of pain.
  6. State the type of treatment that applies. "A" means "Airway Interventions," "B" means "Breathing Interventions," and "C" stands for "Circulation Hemorrhage Control Interventions."
  7. Write down the name, the volume, the route, and the time of any fluids or blood products are given. Describe any analgesics, antibiotics, and other medications used. Use free space to mention any other pertinent information or to clarify statements.
  8. Write down the first responder's name in print and state the last four digits of the first responder's SSN.

All of the items on DD 1380 must be filled out clearly, using a marker or non-smearing pen. Check the official DoD-issued instructions before filing and submitting the form.

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