Form CLGS-32-1 Taxpayer Annual Local Earned Income Tax Return - Pennsylvania

Form CLGS-32-1 Taxpayer Annual Local Earned Income Tax Return - Pennsylvania

What Is Form CLGS-32-1?

Form CLGS-32-1, Taxpayer Annual Local Earned Income Tax Return , is a legal document filled out by Pennsylvania residents with earned income, net profits, wages, dividends, and capital gains. It lets taxpayers calculate their tax liability, schedule tax payments, and request refunds if you have overpaid taxes.

This form was released by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development . The latest version of the form was issued on October 1, 2022 , with all previous editions obsolete. You can download a fillable Pennsylvania CLGS-32-1 Form through the link below.


Form CLGS-32-1 Instructions

Provide the following details in the CLGS-32-1 Form:

  1. Indicate the reporting year, your full name, name of your spouse, address, and telephone number. State your resident political subdivision code and additional addresses if you have relocated during the tax year;
  2. If you want to request an extension (attaching a Federal or State Application for Extension), file an amended return, or you are a non-resident, check the appropriate box;
  3. Record your marital status - single, married filing jointly, married filing separately. State this is your final tax return;
  4. Write down your and your spouse's social security numbers. If you or your spouse had no earned income, explain why;
  5. Indicate your earned income - gross compensation you reported via Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, unreimbursed employee business expenses (attach PA Schedule UE), and other taxable earned income;
  6. State your net profit and net loss reflected in the PA Schedules;
  7. Compute your total tax liability and total local earned income tax withheld;
  8. If you have any credits for this reporting year or from the previous tax year, indicate them and include supporting documentation;
  9. Write down the total amount of payments and credits. The credit might go to your account or your spouse's;
  10. Compute the earned income tax balance due and the total payment due (including penalty and interest that accrue if you fail to submit the form on time;
  11. Sign and date the form. If you are filing jointly, your spouse's signature is required as well as a name, signature, and telephone number of the preparer.

You may use instructions on the first three pages of the form to figure out which wages and gross earnings to report. The last page of the form contains a worksheet you can use to compute the amounts you put in the tax return.

Where to File PA CLGS-32-1?

If you had any earned wages for the year in question, a local earned income tax return must be filed annually by April 15 for the preceding calendar year. Submit the PA CLGS-32-1 Form to your local earned income tax collector with Form W-2 and supporting schedules (do not staple the documents). If you have lived in several tax collection districts throughout the reporting year, file a copy of the return for every district. In this case, you may use the part-year resident schedule to figure out how many taxes you owe for each taxing jurisdiction and file one tax return for each municipality.

Other Revision

Download Form CLGS-32-1 Taxpayer Annual Local Earned Income Tax Return - Pennsylvania

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