CBP Form 3299 Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles

CBP Form 3299 Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles

What Is CBP Form 3299?

CBP Form 3299, Declaration of Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles, is a form used to list the details of the goods that are being exported or imported when an individual enters a customs territory. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) allows clearing the unaccompanied articles when the luggage does not travel on the same flight as you. It should be noted that the rates are much lower than the normal cargo rates. Unaccompanied articles include household belongings, personal effects that become unnecessary during the travel, or travel separately.

The latest version of the form was released by the CBP on December 1, 2023 , with all previous editions obsolete. A CBP Form 3299 fillable version is available for download and digital filing below.

When to Use CBP Form 3299?

The CBP clears the shipment of unaccompanied items at the first port of arrival, so it is recommended to have the form ready beforehand and submit it to customs.


CBP Form 3299 Instructions

Instructions for CBP Form 3299 are as follows:

  1. Complete only the necessary parts of the form - there are specific provisions for residents and non-residents, U.S. personnel and evacuees;
  2. It is possible to authorize an agent - a person to clear the goods on the behalf of the importer - to execute the declaration;
  3. Submit two copies to customs - one of them will be returned to you;
  4. Consult with the CBP official for assistance or additional information.

How to Fill out CBP Form 3299?

  1. Part I is completed by all persons who seek free entry of articles:

    • Write down the importer's full name, date of birth, the date of arrival, the U.S. address, and the importer's port of arrival;
    • State the name of the arrival vessel carrier and flight/train. It should include the name of the airline, the voyage number, and/or the private vehicle details;
    • Identify the names of the accompanying household members;
    • Describe the articles, for which free entry is claimed. Write down the date of the shipment's arrival, the name of the vessel/carrier, the name of the country of shipment, the number of the bill of lading, the air waybill, or the immediate transportation document, the total number of containers and their types, the marks and numbers.
  2. Part II is completed by all persons except for evacuees and U.S. personnel:

    • Declare the place of residence abroad - the name of the country of the last residence and the length of time, in which you resided in that country;
    • Write down the residency status upon arrival;
    • State the eligibility for free entry of articles.
  3. Part III is completed only by U.S. personnel and evacuees:

    • State the date of the importer's last departure from the U.S.;
    • Insert the date on which the importer's travel orders were issued and make sure a copy of the travel orders is attached to the form.
  4. Part IV is completed by all persons who seek free entry of articles:

    • Check all applicable items and list them separately on the second page of the form. There are specific provisions concerning different articles - household effects, articles for sale, firearms and ammunition, alcoholic articles and tobacco products;
    • Describe the merchandise - identify the quantity, the material composition, the country of manufacture, and the value of the cost of the repairs;
    • If the merchandise is foreign, write down where was it acquired.
  5. Part V contains the carrier's certificate and release order. If a moving or freight company was hired by the importer to transport the goods, the carrier must sign the form.

  6. Part VI is completed by all persons who seek free entry. The authorized agent or the importer (the owner of the goods) signs the form and states the actual date.

  7. Part VII is for CBP use only. The CBP official signs the form and states the actual date upon inspection and release.

Other Revisions

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