Form N11 Agreement to End the Tenancy - Ontario, Canada

Form N11 Agreement to End the Tenancy - Ontario, Canada

What Is N11 Form?

Form N11, Agreement to End the Tenancy , is a document that a landlord and a tenant can use to set the date by which the tenant is supposed to move out. Form N11 was issued by Social Justice Tribunals Ontario and was last revised on January 4, 2022 . A fillable N11 Form is available for download below.

Alternate Name:

  • N11 Tenant Form.

The purpose of the document is to state the termination date and make the whole process of moving out easier. Each party knows when the lease ends, therefore the tenant only has to pay rent up until this date and does not owe anything after it.


How to File N11 Form?

The document has a few particularities that the parties should be aware of, such as:

  1. N11 Form is considered to be null if 30 days pass after the termination date and the tenant is still occupying the unit, and the landlord has not filed with the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB).
  2. The document becomes invalid if the tenant proves that they were compelled to sign it.
  3. Another reason for Form N11 is considered to be null is if it is signed on the same date when the lease. Signing the form cannot be a condition for tenancy unless the situation can be considered as an exception stated in the instructions.

The N11 Form instructions contain a few situations where signing the form can be a requirement for tenancy, including when the tenant is a student who will live in a property provided by an education institution (or by a landlord who has an agreement with the institution), or when the tenant is renting a unit in a care home while they are receiving therapeutic services and other similar situations.

Completing the N11 Form is relatively easy: the document only consists of two pages that include the following self-explanatory parts:

  1. Information About the Parties. In the first part of the document, the parties should designate their full names and the address of the unit.
  2. Termination Date. The parties can state the day when the lease is terminated. On this date or before it the tenant is supposed to move out of the rental unit.
  3. Instructions. The N11 Form instructions are provided by the LTB and include details about the consequences of signing the agreement, cases when it can and cannot be signed, and ways how the parties can receive more information about the matter.
  4. Signature of the Tenant. Here tenants can indicate their full name, telephone number, signature, and date when the document has been signed.
  5. Signature of the Landlord. Similar to the previous part, landlords can use this section of the form, to state their full name, telephone number, signature, and date when the document has been signed.

Form N11 contains one more part which is not supposed to be filled out by the landlord or the tenant and is included for the convenience of the LTB. Here, they can designate the file number, delivery method, and other information.

Other Revision

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  • Form N11 Agreement to End the Tenancy - Ontario, Canada


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