Landlord's Notice to Terminate Obligation to Supply Electricity - Ontario, Canada

Landlord's Notice to Terminate Obligation to Supply Electricity - Ontario, Canada

The Landlord's Notice to Terminate Obligation to Supply Electricity in Ontario, Canada is a document used by landlords to inform tenants that they will no longer be responsible for providing electricity as part of the rental agreement. This notice is typically used when there is a change in the terms of the tenancy or when the tenants will be responsible for arranging for their own electricity services.

In Ontario, Canada, the landlord is responsible for filing the Notice to Terminate Obligation to Supply Electricity.

Landlord's Notice to Terminate Obligation to Supply Electricity - Ontario, Canada - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can a landlord terminate the obligation to supply electricity?
Yes, a landlord can terminate the obligation to supply electricity.

Q: What is the process for a landlord to terminate the obligation?
The landlord must give written notice to the tenant stating the termination date.

Q: How much notice does the landlord have to give?
The landlord must provide at least 30 days notice.

Q: Can the landlord terminate the electricity supply in the winter?
No, the landlord cannot terminate the electricity supply between November 15th and April 30th.

Q: What options does the tenant have if the landlord terminates the electricity supply?
The tenant can terminate the tenancy or apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board for an order requiring the landlord to supply electricity.


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  • Landlord's Notice to Terminate Obligation to Supply Electricity - Ontario, Canada, Page 2


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  • Landlords Notice to Terminate Obligation to Supply Electricity - Ontario, Canada, Page 2