DA Form 759-3 Individual Flight Record and Flight Certificate - Army

DA Form 759-3 Individual Flight Record and Flight Certificate - Army

What Is DA Form 759-3?

DA Form 759-3, Individual Flight Records and Flight Certificate-Army (Flight Pay Work Sheet) , is a form generated by the Centralized Aviation Flight Records System (CAFRS) and used for keeping records of hours spent performing flights in order to calculate flight pay. The form is used as a temporary or consolidation worksheet for flights performed by a Rated Crewmember (RCM) or Nonrated Crewmember (NRCM) and conditional Aviation Career Incentive Pay (ACIP) recipients and is not required for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operators.

The newest edition of the certificate - sometimes incorrectly referred to as DD Form 759-3 - was released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on April 1, 2022 . The latest DA Form 759-3 fillable version is available for digital filing and download below or can be found through the Army Publishing Directorate website.

DA Form 759-3 can be used as a daily or monthly record - a new form is not required for each month. See Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation (DoD FMR) Vol. 7000.14, AR 37-104-4 for guidelines on managing monthly flight hours.


How to Fill Out DA Form 759-3?

Additional information and guidelines can be found in the Training Circular 3-04.11, Commander's Aviation Training and Standardization Program. DA Form 759-3 instructions are as follows:

  1. Box 1 should be left blank. Box 2 requires your full name.

  2. Box 3 is for entering either the military rank, "DAC" (Department of the Army civilian), "CIV" (civilian employees of government agencies), or "CTR" (government contractor). If not applicable, the box should be left empty.

  3. Box 4 is for specifying the period covered.

  4. Box 5 requires the type of flying status: NRCM or Non-Crewmember (NCM).

  5. Box 6 is for the effective date from the flight orders.

  6. The next part of the form is a blank chart for recording information about completed flights:

    • Column A is for the dates of flights. The month and day should be entered on two separate lines, with the day entered under the month with a blank line left underneath;
    • The comment "No Time Flown" must be entered across Columns B through D for months with no recorded flight hours;
    • The information in Columns B, C, D, and E is taken from DA Form 2408-12 and includes the aircraft mission, design, type and series, flying duty symbol, flight condition symbol, and mission symbol;
    • Column F is for the hours flown (recorded in hours and tenths of hours).
    • Columns G through K should be left blank and completed at the end of the month on the consolidation worksheet.
  7. Boxes 7 through 15 should be left blank.

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