Form IMM5257 Application for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa) - Canada

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Form IMM5257 Application for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa) - Canada

What Is Form IMM 5257?

Form IMM 5257, Application for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa ), is a document that allows individuals to apply for a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV). A TRV allows its owner to visit Canada for temporary purposes such as business trips, visiting family, or tourism.

Alternate Names:

  • Application for Temporary Resident Visa;
  • Application for Canada Visitor Visa.

The Application for Canada Visitor Visa is released by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and was last revised on September 1, 2023 . An IMM 5257 fillable form is available for download below.

An applicant must meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations in order to receive a TRV. To get more information on this form and the necessary requirements to apply, potential applicants should visit the official website of the Government of Canada.


Form IMM 5257 Instructions

IMM 5257 consists of two pages with 14 sections which an applicant is supposed to fill out. The document is provided in both English and French languages. The information required on the form includes:

  1. The type of visa the applicant is filing for ("single entry visa.
  2. Personal information of the applicant, their spouse, and their children (if applicable). This includes all names, birth dates, places of birth, citizenship status, and passport information.
  3. Information about travel to Canada (the purpose and the duration of the visit, available funds).
  4. Contact information (the applicant's mailing address, telephone number, residential address, and fax number).
  5. The applicant's immigration status.
  6. Employment information (if applicable). The applicant must specify their job title, provide a brief description of their occupation, and provide information about their employer.
  7. Information about the person or institution the applicant is going to visit. This includes name, address, and relationship to the applicant.

The last part of the form consists of a series of statements that require a "yes" or "no" answer. If the applicant answers "yes" to any of the questions, they should give details in the specific section. Statements are typical for a Visa Application and contain questions such as:

  • Has the applicant ever been refused a visa to travel to Canada?
  • Has the applicant ever committed, been charged, or arrested with any criminal offense in any country?
  • Has the applicant ever been refused admission to or ordered to leave Canada?
  • Has the applicant ever been treated for any serious physical or mental disorders or any chronic or communicable diseases?
  • Has the applicant ever been involved in the commission of a crime against humanity or a war crime?

An applicant must also report if they and/or their family members (the ones that are accompanying them) have lived in any other country than their country of citizenship or permanent residence for more than 6 months. If so, then they must list the countries where they have lived and specify the duration of the stay.

Depending on the circumstances, the applicant might be required to file additional documents, listed below. To submit the completed form, an applicant should send their application supported with additional documents to the Visa Applications Center that serves their area or apply online. If an applicant's family members are also applying for a TRV, they can include their whole family's applications in the same envelope. After receiving and processing the documents, an officer will decide if an interview is needed. If so, you will be informed about the interview's time and place.

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