VA Form 26-8261A Request for Certificate of Veteran Status

VA Form 26-8261A Request for Certificate of Veteran Status

What Is VA Form 26-8261A?

VA Form 26-8261A, Request for Certificate of Veteran Status , is an official document completed by veterans who need to confirm their military service. You need to apply for this certificate if you are planning to get a loan insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). This form was issued by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on July 1, 2020 , with all previous editions obsolete. You may download VA Form 26-8261A below.


VA Form 26-8261A Instructions

Follow these steps to complete the Request for Certificate of Veteran Status:

  1. Enter your name, date of birth , and current address.
  2. Confirm your intention to receive proof of your veteran status you are going to use when negotiating the details of the FHA loan with the potential lender.
  3. Record the period of your active service. Add your name for each period - it must match the name from the discharge papers attached to the request.
  4. State your social security number or service number and write down the branch of service for each time period.
  5. If you have already filed a claim to the VA regarding the certificate, enter its number.
  6. Answer "yes" if you are an active service member or you were on duty on the next day after separation specified in the discharge papers.
  7. Certify the details in the request are true, sign and date the document.
  8. If you want the certificate to be mailed to someone else, indicate the name and address of the recipient.

Once the request is prepared, see the second page of the form to find out the correct mailing address for Form 25-8261A - the Regional Loan Center you need to send the form depends on your current residential address .

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  • VA Form 26-8261A Request for Certificate of Veteran Status


  • VA Form 26-8261A Request for Certificate of Veteran Status, Page 2


  • VA Form 26-8261A Request for Certificate of Veteran Status, Page 1
  • VA Form 26-8261A Request for Certificate of Veteran Status, Page 2