PS Form 2574 Resignation / Transfer From the Postal Service

PS Form 2574 Resignation / Transfer From the Postal Service

What Is PS Form 2574?

PS Form 2574, Resignation/Transfer from the Postal Service is a form used to apply for the resignation or transfer from the current place of employment. If the employee is resigning, they are quitting the job in the United States Postal Service (USPS) at their own discretion. Transfer means ending of employment in USPS and moving to work in another federal agency without a break in service.

The form - also known as USPS Form 2574 - should not be used if the employee is retiring. A fillable PS Form 2574 can be downloaded by clicking the link down below.

What Is the Most Recent USPS Form 2574?

The latest edition of the form was published by USPS on April 1, 2023 . All previous editions of the document are obsolete.


How to Resign From the Post Office?

Employees wishing to resign from the post office are required to complete the USPS resignation form (PS Form 2574) and submit it to the immediate supervisor or manager in two weeks before quitting the employment. The information provided in the form is used to finalize the record of employment with the USPS.

If the resignation application was submitted after the employee was proposed for termination, a change to lower grade or had received written notice of the decision to separate them, it must still be accepted.

If the employee is resigning from the USPS for military service and does not intend to return to USPS, they should be properly informed about their restoration rights and benefits. Only Human Resources can accept the resignation applications for military service and provide the necessary information to the employee.

If the employee changed their mind after submitting the form and wants to withdraw it, a written withdrawal request must be submitted to the Human Resources Shared Service Center (HRSSC) by mail, email, or fax. The withdrawal request must be made before the closest business day to the resignation effective date.

The instructions for filling out the PS Form 2574 are provided below.

How to Fill Out PS Form 2574?

  1. Section A, Employee's Information. This section is completed by the resigning or transferring worker.

    • Block 1, Employee Identification Number. Provide your employee identification number.
    • Block 2, Printed Name. Enter your full name.
    • Block 3, Effective Date of Resignation/Transfer. Enter the date you want to resign or transfer in MMDDYYYY format.
    • Block 4, Mailing Address. Provide your full mailing address, including ZIP code.
    • Block 5, Telephone Number. Enter your phone number.
    • Block 6, Installation or Station. Provide the name of the post office you are resigning from.
    • Block 7, Tour. Enter the working hours.
    • Block 8, Reason for Action. Choose one: resignation or transfer. If you are resigning, check an appropriate from the list in this block, indicating the reason for quitting the employment. If you are transferring, provide the details of the federal agency to which you are transferring. Enter the name of the agency, the name of the agency's HR representative, agency's address and HR office telephone number in blocks 8a-d.
    • Block 9, Employee Signature. Sign the form.
    • Block 10, Date Submitted. Enter the date you completed and submitted the form in MMDDYYYY format.
  2. Section B, Supervisor/Manager Information. This section is completed by your immediate supervisor or manager. Their name, signature, telephone number and date submitted are provided in blocks 1-4.

  3. Section C, Additional Remarks. If you have any additional commentary, enter them in this section. If the list in Block 8 does not contain a reason for your resignation, provide it here.

Other Revisions

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