Form SF-180 Request Pertaining to Military Records

Form SF-180 Request Pertaining to Military Records

What Is SF-180?

GSA Form SF-180, Request Pertaining to Military Records , is a legal document filled out by military veterans and deceased veterans' relatives to obtain access to certain military records. Veterans and their next-of-kin may request this information from personnel centers to confirm their eligibility for benefits, facilitate employment, obtain a loan from the Veterans Affairs (VA), or learn more about the veteran's separation, health, and dental records.

Alternate Name:

  • Standard Form 180

This form was released by the General Services Administration (GSA) . The latest version of the form was issued on September 1, 2021 , with all previous editions obsolete. A Standard Form 180 fillable version is available through the link below.


Standard Form 180 Instructions

Follow these steps to complete Standard Form 180:

  1. Write down the full name of the veteran, their social security number, date, and place of birth.
  2. Indicate the past and present service of the veteran. Enter their branch of service (active, reserve, or State National Guard) and dates when the service began and ended. Check the box to show whether the veteran has been an officer or an enlisted service member and record the veteran's service number if it is known.
  3. If the veteran is deceased or retired from military service, check the appropriate boxes and in the first case, enter the date of death.
  4. Select the records you are requesting. If you need DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, or its equivalent, indicate the year in which this document was issued to the veteran. You may request a deleted or undeleted copy of DD Form 214. An undeleted certificate is typically used to find out whether the veteran or their relatives qualify for benefits, while a deleted copy will have blacked out items related to the separation. You may request various medical records, including service treatment records. If you are looking for hospital records, write down the name of the facility, and date for each admission to the hospital. If you need other records, specify them in the provided space.
  5. Check one of the boxes to explain the reason for filing your request - benefits, employment, VA loan programs, medical reasons, genealogy, correction, personal, or other - and receive a faster reply.
  6. Indicate your full name. State whether you are a veteran identified in the request, or their next-of-kin, legal guardian, or authorized representative. You are required to submit proof of death, copy of court appointment, or copy of the power of attorney if you are not the veteran. Specify your relationship to the veteran and add your mailing address, telephone number, and email address. Certify the statements in the form are true and correct, sign, and date the request.
  7. The last page of the form contains codes that determine the address to which the request must be mailed. Choose the veteran's branch of service and current status, select the type of records you need, and find out where to send the form.

Other Revisions

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