Form SI-100 Statement of Information (California Nonprofit, Credit Union and General Cooperative Corporations) - California

Form SI-100 Statement of Information (California Nonprofit, Credit Union and General Cooperative Corporations) - California

What Is Form SI-100?

Form SI-100, Statement of Information , is a legal document submitted by the general cooperative, nonprofit, and credit union corporations to the California Secretary of State with the purpose to report relevant information about the business's addresses, officers, and the agent for service of process. You can also use this form when changes have occurred since you last filed the documentation - the records must be updated regularly.

The latest version of the form was issued on March 1, 2024 , with all previous editions obsolete. A fillable SI-100 Form is available for download via the link below.


Form SI-100 Instructions

Provide the following information in the California Form SI-100:

  1. State the name of the business;
  2. Record the 7-digit file number assigned to the corporation by the California SOS when the registration documentation was filed;
  3. Write down the complete street and mailing addresses;
  4. Enter the names and addresses of the corporation's Chief Executive Officer, Secretary, and Chief Financial Officer;
  5. Indicate the name of the corporation's agent for service of process. It can be an individual who resides in California or a corporation registered with the California SOS. This person or entity will be responsible for accepting various legal documentation - notices, subpoenas, lawsuits - acting on behalf of the corporation. It is possible to make a director or officer the agent, and if the agent is a person, add their physical address;
  6. If your business manages a common interest development and shares common facilities and areas with other property owners, check the appropriate box and file Form SI-CID, Statement by Common Interest Development Association;
  7. Confirm the statement is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, sign and date the form.

Where to Mail SI-100?

The SI-100 filing fee is $20 (no fee if you submit the form to update the information in the already filed statement). You need to prepare this form within ninety days from the corporation's date of registration. It is required to file the statement every two years or once a year if your business is a cooperative corporation or credit union. Determine the applicable filing period based on the month in which your corporation was registered: it includes that month and the five months before that. For instance, if you filed the articles of incorporation on April 10, 2020, the Form SI-100 deadline is July 9, 2020. The next Statement of Information is due on April 10, 2021, or during the preceding five months.

There are two ways to submit Form SI-100:

  • Present it in person when visiting the Sacramento office, 1500 11th street, Sacramento, CA 95814;
  • Send the documentation via mail to the Secretary of State, Statement of Information Unit, PO Box 944230, Sacramento, CA 94244-2300 . To facilitate the communication, include the Mail Submission Cover Sheet in your envelope. Enter the corporation's name, entity number, return address, and any comments you need. Your documentation will be processed within five business days from receipt.

Other Revisions

Download Form SI-100 Statement of Information (California Nonprofit, Credit Union and General Cooperative Corporations) - California

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