ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles

ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles

What Is ATF Form 6 Part 1?

ATF Form 6-Part 1, Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition, and Implements of War (ATF Form 5330.3A) is used to provide the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) with the information necessary to determine if a specific importer is qualified for the importation of articles listed on the form. This document also serves as an authorization for the importer.

ATF Form 5330.3A was last revised on February 1, 2023 . Find the new ATF Form 6 fillable (Part 1) below for download.

The application has three related forms:


When to Fill out ATF Form 6 Part 1?

Fill out the form to request a permit to import ammunition, firearms, and defense articles into the United States. Use it for every importation except for those described in 27 CFR Parts 447, 478, and 479. The importing on the form is allowed to the following individuals and entities:

  • Any properly licensed and registered person importing firearms and ammunition for resale;
  • A federal firearms licensee (FFL) that is not an importer if the imported articles are sporting firearms or ammunition intended for personal use and not for resale;
  • An unlicensed person if the importing items are firearm parts (excluding receivers, frames, or actions) or sporting type ammunition (other than tracer or incendiary) intended for personal use;
  • A nonresident U.S. citizen returning to the U.S. or a nonresident alien immigrating to the U.S. In both cases, the imported ammunition must be for personal use.

How to Fill out ATF Form 6 Part 1?

The ATF Form 6 Part 1 instructions are provided at the end of the form. Read them carefully, detach, and keep for future references. Fill out the document in three copies. All the entries must be typewritten or in ink. Complete the document as follows:

  1. Internal Control/Reference #. Enter your own tracking number if you use one;
  2. Item 1. Federal Firearms License. Enter a complete and valid 15-digit federal firearms license number and its expiration date;
  3. Item 2. Telephone No. Provide your business phone or fax number in this item. Indicate the letter "B" next to the telephone number and letter "F" next to the fax number;
  4. Item 3. Country of Exportation. Self-explanatory;
  5. Item 4. Name and Address of Customs Broker. Fill out this item only if you are using a customs broker. At the bottom of the item, you may inform the ATF that you want this form to be returned to a specified custom broker;
  6. Item 5. Applicant's Name and Address. Enter your name and address. Do not provide here the name and address of the person you may be importing the listed articles to;
  7. Item 6. Name and Address of Foreign Seller. Specify the name and the address of the foreign seller you bought the imported articles from;
  8. Item 7. Name and Address of Foreign Shipper. If this information is the same as indicated in Item 6, enter "See Item 6";
  9. Item 8A. Name and Address of Manufacturer City and State or City and Country. Provide the full name and country of the manufacturer of the article to be imported at a minimum;
  10. Items 8B - 8K. Provide a detailed description of the articles to be imported. Attach additional sheets if needed;
  11. Item 9. Certification of Origin. Check one of the listed options;
  12. Item 10. Specific Purpose of Importation, Including Final Recipient, If Known. Enter the purpose of importation. If you are importing articles for someone else, specify the name and address of this person or entity;
  13. Items 11 and 12. Self-explanatory;
  14. Item 14. Signature. Sign all three copies of the form in ink;
  15. Items 13, 15, and 16. Name of Applicant, Title, and Date. Self-explanatory.

How to Update Information on ATF Form 6 Part 1?

Carefully double-check all the information before submission. When the application is approved, you will not be able to make any amendments or alterations.

Other Revisions

Download ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles

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  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles


  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 2


  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 3


  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 4


  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 5


  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 6


  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 1
  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 2
  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 3
  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 4
  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 5
  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3A) Part 1 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 6

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