DD Form 2807-1 Report of Medical History

Notification Icon This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of DD Form 2807-1 for the current year.

DD Form 2807-1 Report of Medical History

What Is DD Form 2807-1?

DD Form 2807-1, Report of Medical History , is a form primarily used by and within the Department of Defense (DoD) to obtain medical information on individuals wishing to join the United States Armed Forces.

Alternate Name:

  • DD 2807-1.

This form - sometimes confused with DA Form 2807, Military Working Dog Training and Utilization Record, or incorrectly called DA Form 2807 - was last revised on March 1, 2015 . An up-to-date fillable DD form 2807-1 is available for download and electronic filing below on through the Executive Services Directorate website.

The data gathered on this form helps the DOD physicians determine the physical fitness of the applicants and verifies any disqualifying conditions during the pre-screening process. Failure to provide the necessary information might lead to delays and a possible rejection of the application to enter the Armed forces. DD 2807-1 may also be used when an MBC (Medical Evaluation Board) is called to determine the medical fitness of a current service member and if separation is warranted.


DD Form 2807-1 Instructions

The form is an official statement - the applicant must provide truthful answers to all questions within the DD 2807-1 or face criminal charges.

  1. Begin by filling in personal identifying information: your name, home address and phone number, social security number, plus the date of filling the form. The social security number should be entered as EMPLID or as 00+EMPLID if filing the form online.
  2. Your SSN should look like this when filing digitally: 001234567.
  3. Provide the address and postal code of the examining location.
  4. Indicate the branches and component you are applying for and the purpose of the examination.
  5. Active service members must state their current position: the title, grade, component, and occupation.
  6. List any medications you are taking and list all allergies you may have.
  7. The next part of the form is for medical history and must be filled in completely. Every positive answer must be provided with further explanations in the given area, together with the dates of medical issues, the names of doctors and hospitals, received treatments, current medical status, and any limitations associated with physical health.
  8. Provide your name and SSN on the second page of the form.
  9. A physician may give additional comments after the examination. The physician must sign the form and provide their name and date.

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