DD Form 1610 Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel

DD Form 1610 Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel

What Is DD Form 1610?

DD Form 1610, Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel , is a form used to request travel authorization for military personnel on active duty within the United States Army.

Alternate Name:

  • DD 1610.

The latest edition of DD 1610 - often confused with DA Form 1610 - was released by the Department of Defense (DoD) on May 1, 2003 , with all previous editions being obsolete. You can find step-by-step filing instructions down below or on the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) website. A blank fillable DD form 1610 is available for download below.

What Is DD Form 1610 Used For?

DD 1610 is used for all kinds of official TDY (Temporary Duty Yonder) traveling occasions, rest and recuperation (R&R) travel, dependent evacuation, funded environmental and morale leave (FEML), and group or blanket TDY travel. Only contractors' trips and invitational travels are not covered by this form.


DD Form 1610 Instructions

  1. The service member requesting travel authorization must begin with entering personal information in Boxes 1 through 7.
  2. Boxes 8 through 14 are for providing the details of the upcoming trip. Box 8 is for stating the type of authorization: TDY, emergency visitation travel (EVT), confirmatory, amendment, extension, blanket, or group.
  3. Enter the purpose of TDY in Box 9. See Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), Appendix H for additional information
  4. Boxes 10a and 10b are for providing the approximate number of TDY Days and travel time.
  5. Box 11 is for the itinerary of the trip. All authorized travel locations, together with the starting location, departure point, arrival point, destination location, departure point, and return location should be listed in the space provided on the form.
  6. Box 12, Transportation Mode is for choosing AO authorized modes of transportation. All lines in Box 14 are for providing estimated costs. Per Diem must be left blank for FEML & R&R. The Advance Authorized Box blank in all cases.
  7. Any necessary remarks must be added in Box 16, continued on the second page of the form. See AP1610-01 for information on statements.
  8. The travel-requesting official's full name, title, and signature and the same information about the travel-approving or directing official must be entered in Boxes 17 and 18.
  9. Box 19, Accounting Citation is used to indicate the fiscal data in accordance with service regulations: the location or address of the travel computation unit to which travel vouchers must be faxed or mailed, the signature of the fund-approving official certifying the availability of funds, the fund-approving official's full name, and title.
  10. Finally, the authorizing or order-issuing official must enter their full name, title, and sign the form in Boxes 20 to 21.

DD 1610 Form FAQ

What item should you verify in the Accounting Citation Block of DD Form 1610?

The requestor should include the following information:

  • The fiscal data according to Service regulations;
  • The location or address of the travel computation unit to which travel vouchers have to be either faxed or mailed;
  • The signature of the fund-approving individual confirming the availability of funds;
  • The fund-approving official's full name and title.

I want to know where to find DD Form 1610 in DTS

Log in to the Defense Travel System (DTS) through the link on their welcome page. Accept the Privacy and Ethics Policy. Click on the TRAVELER SETUP MODULE on top and select the FORM PREFERENCES box from the menu.

This page shows the form defaults. Fill in all boxes, select GOVT+FORM and then scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on SAVE FORM DEFAULTS and scroll back to the top again. Select CLOSE WINDOW in the top right corner. Your application has been sent for authorization.

How to get a DD Form 1610?

Download the form through the DTC website or by clicking the download button above.

How to read DD Form 1610?

Unlike other military forms, the DD Form 1610 does not have any included instructions. See the instructions provided above to learn more about filling or reference AR1610-01 for an overview of the form.

Download DD Form 1610 Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel

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  • DD Form 1610 Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel, Page 2


  • DD Form 1610 Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel, Page 1
  • DD Form 1610 Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel, Page 2

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