Hoa Meeting Minutes Template

Hoa Meeting Minutes Template

Homeowner Association Meeting Minutes represent an official record of everything that has been said or occurred during the meeting of community residents who comprise the Homeowner Association (HOA). This document will serve as a perfect tool to remind the members of the HOA what was discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Fill out the same template every time homeowners get together to discuss important arrangements and ideas that affect the whole community - it will allow you to avoid misunderstandings and be more consistent when implementing and applying rules.

Alternate Name:

  • HOA Board Meeting Minutes.

Download an HOA Meeting Minutes template via the link below. In case you are looking for Meeting Minutes you can use to take notes of conversations and decisions made by your company, consider completing Board Meeting Minutes to capture all the meeting highlights. Additionally, Shareholders Meeting Minutes will help the organization to see the agreements and resolutions discussed and introduced during the official meeting of shareholders.


What Should HOA Meeting Minutes Include?

Here is how you should compose the HOA meeting minutes:

  1. Write down the name of the association and indicate the time of the meeting.
  2. List the HOA board members present at the meeting. In case you invited third parties, it is recommended to include their names as well.
  3. Confirm the association has established a quorum in accordance with the HOA bylaws and certify the motion to approve the minutes has been carried out.
  4. Unless the meeting was necessary because of the emergency, typically all HOA board meetings and minutes follow the same rules and guidelines. Moreover, it will be easier for you to maintain similar records if you choose to fill out Sample HOA Meeting Minutes and stick with one template.
  5. Start with the financial report. Record the details shared by the treasurer - they must provide you with the information regarding the total assets of the association, operating budget, reserves, and board-approved liens.
  6. Write down the key details from the manager's report.
  7. Once the board members have expressed their opinion about old or new business, you need to record it in the minutes. It may be a good idea to separate old issues and initiatives you have worked on already from new ideas and proposals.
  8. Enter the results of the vote in case the members have decided to implement a new rule or motion.

Still looking for a particular document? Take a look at the related templates below:

Download Hoa Meeting Minutes Template

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  • Hoa Meeting Minutes Template, Page 2
  • Hoa Meeting Minutes Template, Page 3