DD Form 2 United States Uniformed Services Identification Card

DD Form 2 United States Uniformed Services Identification Card

What Is DD Form 2?

DD Form 2, United States Uniformed Services Identification Card, is a form released by the Department of Defense (DoD) and used to identify a person as a reserved, retired, or reserve-retired member of the U.S. Armed Forces. The card serves as proof of eligibility for certain benefits, including medical care and legal assistance.

The DD Form 2 military ID card is color-coded to identify the status of the holder. There are three types of this document:

  • DD 2 (Retired) is blue. It is provided to retired members entitled to the retired pay, as well as to the members that are included in the Temporary or Permanent Disability List;
  • DD 2 (Reserve) is green. It is issued to the members of the Inactive National Guard and Individual Ready Reserves;
  • DD 2 (Reserve-Retired) is red. It is given to the retired members of the Reserve and National Guard who are not 60 years old yet.

As of today, no fillable DD Form 2 printables are available for download online. The form should not be confused with DA Form 2 (a legal form issued by the Australian Government) or DA Form 2-1, Personnel Qualification Record.

A preview of the cards is available below for reference. Step-by-step instructions and guidelines on receiving a DD Form 2 ID card can be found in the Department of the Army (DA) PAM 710-2-1, Using Unit Supply System (Manual Procedures).


Is it Illegal to Photocopy DD Form 2?

The photocopying of the United States Uniformed Services Identification Card is illegal in most cases and punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. However, in cases of check cashing, facilitating medical care, or administering other military-related benefits, photocopying is considered authorized and legal.

Does DD Form 2 Allow Me to Shop at the Commissary?

According to the DoD Instruction 1330.17, DoD Commissary Program, all military retirees, active duty, Guard and Reserve members, 100% disabled veterans and the authorized members of their family, and Medal of Honor recipients are eligible to shop at the commissary.

The full list of authorized commissary patrons can be found in the abovementioned DA PAM 710-2-1.

What Color ID Is DD Form 2?

The ID card can be blue, green, or red depending on its type.

How to Verify the Type of Retiree on DD Form 2?

The type of retiree on the document can be verified by the specific color of the card. Other ID cards issued by the DoD include:

  1. DD Form 1173, United States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (Tan), a document, given to the dependents and family members of active duty and retired service members, reserve-component service members on active duty for more than 30 days, disabled American veterans, ship's officers and crew members of NOAA vessels, Medal of Honor recipients, eligible dependents of the foreign military, accompanying family members of authorized civilian personnel overseas.
  2. DD Form 1173-1, Department of Defense Guard and Reserve Family Member Identification Card (Red), is a document provided to the family members and dependents of Reserve members and is proof that the mentioned individuals are pre-enrolled in Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).

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