DD Form 285 Appointment of Military Postal Clerk, Unit Mail Clerk or Mail Orderly

Notification Icon This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of DD Form 285 for the current year.

DD Form 285 Appointment of Military Postal Clerk, Unit Mail Clerk or Mail Orderly

What Is DD Form 285?

DD Form 285, Appointment of Military Postal Clerk, Unit Mail Clerk or Mail Orderly, is a form used to designate military postal clerks, unit mail clerks or mail orderlies and identify the mail they are authorized to pick up and deliver. The mailing orderly has to receive proper job training and instructions prior to assuming their duties.

The newest edition of the form - sometimes confused with the DA Form 285, Technical Report of U.S. Army Ground Accident - was issued by the Department of Defense (DoD) on June 1, 1967 . An up-to-date DD Form 285 fillable version can be downloaded and filed below.

The DD 285 is kept on file with the DD Form 2260, Unit Mail-Clerk/Orderly Designation Log. The DD 2260 serves as a record of personnel appointed as mail orderlies and clerks. The commander can appoint one mail clerk and no more than three alternate clerks unless operating a consolidated mailroom (CMR). If the unit does not operate a unit mailroom (UMR), the unit commander should use the DD 285 to appoint mail orderlies to only receive mail from the mailroom.

Non-DoD agencies will use the DD Form 285 to designate mail clerks if the agency receives mail through military postal activities.


How to Fill Out DD Form 285?

DD Form 285 instructions are as follows:

  1. The DD Form 285 is prepared in three copies. An appointed mail clerk has to carry a copy with them while performing their responsibilities;
  2. Box 1 requires the date of filing the form. Box 2 should be left blank until the form is revoked;
  3. Box 3 is for the full name of the designated official. Box 4 requires their rank or grade. Their social security number is provided in Box 5. Box 6 should contain one of the following titles: Military Postal Clerk, Unit Mail Clerk or Mail Orderly;
  4. Box 7 requires the exact name of the activity or organization of the service member.
  5. Box 8 is for the appointee's military installation;
  6. The specification of the type of mail the appointee will be authorized to receive is provided in Box 9. Box 10 should contain the initials of the official validating the form;
  7. The form must be signed by both the appointing official and the appointee and validated by the servicing postal facility.

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  • DD Form 285 Appointment of Military Postal Clerk, Unit Mail Clerk or Mail Orderly


  • DD Form 285 Appointment of Military Postal Clerk, Unit Mail Clerk or Mail Orderly, Page 2


  • DD Form 285 Appointment of Military Postal Clerk, Unit Mail Clerk or Mail Orderly, Page 1
  • DD Form 285 Appointment of Military Postal Clerk, Unit Mail Clerk or Mail Orderly, Page 2