The Department of Public Works in the City of Berkeley, California is responsible for providing a range of services related to the infrastructure and public spaces within the city. This includes the planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of public buildings, roads, sidewalks, parks, and utilities. The department also oversees various permits and regulations related to construction and development in the city.
This Form is used for obtaining an engineering permit in the city of Berkeley, California. It allows individuals or businesses to apply for permits related to engineering projects within the city.
This form is used for applying for an engineering permit for a private sewer lateral (PSL) in the City of Berkeley, California.
This Form is used for applying for a permit to install or replace a culvert that bridges a creek in the city of Berkeley, California.
This document is an application form used by the City of Berkeley, California for obtaining an encroachment permit. The permit is required for any construction or activity that encroaches upon public property or public right-of-way.
This document is a checklist used for stormwater requirements for C.3 and C.6 projects in the City of Berkeley, California.
This document is a checklist that outlines the stormwater requirements for C.3.i projects in the City of Berkeley, California. It provides guidance on the necessary steps and measures to be taken for managing stormwater in compliance with the city's regulations.