If you are struggling with unpaid loans and credit card debts, consider debt management. It is designed to help you determine how much you are currently able to pay toward your loan or debt, negotiate with your creditor, and use the money you can provide to pay the creditors until you no longer owe money.
A debt management plan means a third party that represents your interests works with your creditor to change interest rates and negotiate new monthly payments. These programs last between three to five years and help consumers, credit card owners, students, and mortgage payers to pay off their debts in their entirety. Set up a debt management plan if you can only afford to pay your creditor a small amount of money each month and your debt is unsecured – not backed by a guarantor, for instance, your car or house does not serve as collateral for the payment.
General-purpose loans, also known as personal loans, allow you to use the funds at your discretion. Use these templates to communicate with your creditor or debt collector:
If you cannot pay off the monthly balance of your credit card and look for a way to regain control over your finances, start managing debt and send these documents to your creditor:
See the templates below and start dealing with outstanding student loan debt if you are behind in payments and are unable to pay off the debts at the moment:
The documents below are for businesses and individuals who deal with a mortgage or struggle to make mortgage payments:
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Owners of credit cards can reduce their debt by submitting a Hardship Letter explaining their situation to their credit card company.
This form is used when an applicant needs to defer payments on their student loan (or decrease, modify, etc.) due to a financial hardship situation.
This type of letter can be used to officially demand a debt collector to stop contacting the sender of the letter.
This type of debt settlement letter is used by filers who want to decrease the debt on their credit card.
Individuals use this letter to explain the reasons why they are applying for a loan modification and offer possible loan modifications in order to make it easier for them to pay it back.
Complete this ready-made template to explain to the bank why you're defaulting on your mortgage.
This document's purpose is to help a debtor decrease their debt or change the terms of paying it back in order to make it easier for them.
Use this sample as a reference when drafting your own Hardship Letter for Mortgage.
An individual or entity may prepare this type of letter and send it to a financial institution that has notified them about a debt to find out whether this debt is legitimate.
Use this letter to request information about your credit history and any particular debts you may have.
This letter serves as a refusal to accept debt and is written in response to a collector's notice.
This is a written or typed letter that any individual can prepare when they have received a letter from a creditor or debt collector if they do not believe they owe any money or the amount of the debt indicated in the notice is not accurate.
This letter is sent to the borrower after their mortgage application is accepted.
This formal letter can be used to confirm the willingness of a lender to sign a mortgage agreement with a borrower.
This letter provides detailed instructions on how to pay off a loan.
Check out this sample before drafting your own Loan Payoff Letter.
A borrower may use this type of letter in order to explain their financial situation and obtain a mortgage.
This letter is prepared by the borrower for a potential lender in order to answer certain questions that have been omitted in the mortgage application or during a personal interview.