Fill and Sign California Legal Forms

Where to Find California Legal Forms?

California Legal Forms cover different purposes, and the state has a wide variety of these templates. Various state departments have developed free California legal forms that aim at effective interaction between state residents and government authorities. Citizens use these templates to apply for benefits, transfer ownership of their vehicles, replace certificates of title, and pay taxes. You may find and download these applications on the official website of the appropriate department, but for your convenience, all forms are available on our website. There are also California legal service forms that residents use to apply for legal services in cases such as seeking a divorce or looking to agree with maintenance arrangements. If the subject matter is separation, use legal separation California forms.

For a full list of free California Legal Forms, please check out our library below.

California State Departments

  1. Department of Aging
  2. Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
  3. Department of Business Oversight
  4. Department of Child Support Services
  5. Department of Conservation
  6. Department of Consumer Affairs
  7. Department of Consumer AffairsBoard of Barbering and Cosmetology
  8. Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation
  9. Department of Developmental Services
  10. Department of Education
  11. Department of Fair Employment & Housing
  12. Department of Finance
  13. Department of Fish & Wildlife
  14. Department of Food & Agriculture
  15. Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
  16. Department of General Services
  17. Department of Health Care Services
  18. Department of Housing & Community Development
  19. Department of Human Resources
  20. Department of Industrial Relations
  21. Department of Industrial Relations Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
  22. Department of Industrial Relations Division of Workers' Compensation
  23. Department of Insurance
  24. Department of Justice
  25. Department of Managed Health Care
  26. Department of Motor Vehicles
  27. Department of Parks and Recreation
  28. Department of Pesticide Regulation
  29. Department of Public Health
  30. Department of Rehabilitation
  31. Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
  32. Department of Social Services
  33. Department of State Hospitals
  34. Department of Tax and Fee Administration
  35. Department of Technology
  36. Department of Toxic Substances Control
  37. Department of Transportation
  38. Department of Veterans Affairs
  39. Department of Water Resources
  40. Employment Development Department

California State Courts

  1. Courts (all forms)
  2. Court of Appeal
  3. Superior Court
  4. Supreme Court

California State Agencies and Commissions

  1. Air Resources Board
  2. Board of Behavioral Sciences
  3. Emergency Medical Services Authority
  4. Energy Commission
  5. Environmental Protection Agency
  6. Fair Political Practices Commission
  7. Franchise Tax Board
  8. Governor's Office of Planning and Research
  9. Highway Patrol
  10. Military Department
  11. Medical Board of California
  12. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
  13. Public Employees' Retirement System
  14. Public Utilities Commission
  15. Secretary of State
  16. State Board of Equalization
  17. State Controller’s Office
  18. State Senate
  19. State Water Resources Control Board
  20. State Bar

California Legal Forms by County

  1. Alameda County Clerk-Recorder Office
  2. Alameda County Sheriff's Office
  3. Alhambra City Government
  4. Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner's Office
  5. Riverside County Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder
  6. County of Riverside Office of Education
  7. Sutter County Clerk-Recorder
  8. Placer County Clerk-Recorder
  9. Yolo County Clerk-Recorder
  10. City of Rancho Mirage Code Compliance & Animal Services Department
  11. City of Sacramento Community Development Department
  12. City of Sacramento Department of Human Resources
  13. City and County of San Francisco Department of Human Resources
  14. City and County of San Francisco Covered California Department of Administrative Services
  15. Santa Cruz County Assessor's Office
  16. County of Fresno County Assessor
  17. Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
  18. Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services
  19. Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk
  20. Alameda County Department of Environmental Health
  21. San Bernardino County Department of Public Health
  22. County of San Diego Department of Public Works
  23. City of San Diego Office of the City Treasurer
  24. City of San Diego Housing Commission
  25. City of San Diego Planning Department
  26. City of Daly City Economic and Community Development Department
  27. City of Berkeley Finance Department
  28. City of Perris Fire Department
  29. San Bernardino County Fire Department
  30. County of San Mateo Human Resources Department
  31. Inyo County Personnel Department
  32. Inyo County Planning Department
  33. City of Berkeley Planning and Development Department
  34. San Juan Bautista Planning Commission
  35. City of Davis Police Department
  36. City of Manteca Police Department
  37. City of Petaluma Police Department
  38. City of Petaluma Public Works Department
  39. City of Petaluma Human Resources Department
  40. City of Petaluma Planning Division
  41. Kern County Probation Department
  42. San Joaquin County Public Health Services
  43. Ventura County Assessor's Office
  44. Ventura County Resource Management Agency

California legal forms vary depending on the purpose of a template and the scope of its application:

  • Forms developed for tax payments . Qualified California residents use these forms to report their income tax returns and make estimated tax payments throughout the year. Some templates are designed not for individuals but for organizations, various financial corporations, and businesses based in California. They use them to figure corporation estimated tax payments and to report the credit amount for the current year, the tax amount to transfer, and to claim credits. An organization should also use specific forms to report state, local, and district sales and use tax return;
  • Forms required for conducting business . An entrepreneur that wishes to start business activity in the state of California should submit an initial registration form. Entities also need templates to make a notice of change of status or certify a continuation of a Limited Liability Partnership. An audit payment information form can also be useful when a company receives audit findings;
  • Applications developed for employees' needs . For example, workers should use a specific template to request worker-funded benefits intended for individuals who have a full or partial loss of pay because of non work-related disability. There is also a particular form used to apply for worker's compensation claims entitled to employees injured in their workplace. You may find templates designed to inform workers of their rights when they apply for a job, and forms in the contract format, such as a guaranty of worker's compensation liabilities;
  • Forms developed for use by medical professionals . For example, there are templates created for physicians, and they must complete them to inform a care facility about the physical and mental condition of a resident.

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This document is used for legally subleasing a property in California. It outlines the terms and conditions of the sublease agreement between the original tenant and the subtenant.

This document is used for submitting travel requests for the state of California.

This document is a form used by California managed care members to file a grievance about their healthcare services.

This Form is used for requesting Family and Medical Leave from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California.

This form is used for testing and reporting cases of Zika virus in Los Angeles County, California. It allows individuals to provide necessary information to health authorities for monitoring and controlling the spread of Zika virus.

This document is a template for a sworn statement, commonly used in California. It is used to provide a written and signed statement of facts or information under penalty of perjury.

This Form is used for conducting inspections of construction sites in Napa County, California to assess and monitor stormwater management measures.

This is a legal document used by participants of legal proceedings (defendants, respondents, attorneys, etc.) to file documents of a civil case with the California court clerk by fax.

This form is used for requesting innocent joint filer relief in the state of California.

This form is used for transferring ownership of property in San Diego County, California through a quitclaim deed.

This form is used for reporting cases of measles (rubeola) in the state of California.

This document is a standardized form for creating a will in the state of California. It is prescribed by the California Probate Code, Section 6240.

This document is used for resolving disputes quickly and inexpensively in California small claims court. It allows parties to reach a settlement and avoid a trial.

This form must be completed if you wish to work at, be licensed, or present at a licensed community care facility or organization.

This form is used for requesting the addition of family members to a medical plan in California.

This Form is used for applying for a Medical Consultant I or Medical Consultant I (Psychiatrist) position in California.

This document is used for calculating the monthly utility user tax in Los Angeles County, California. It is necessary for individuals and businesses to pay this tax based on their utility usage.

This document is a pediatric tuberculosis (TB) risk assessment questionnaire for residents of Los Angeles County, California. It is used to evaluate the likelihood of TB infection in children.

This form is used for notifying the State of California about the death of an employee.

This Form is used for applying for a permit to operate a business in California. It is required to ensure compliance with safety and regulatory standards.

This document is used for requesting a leave of absence in Sacramento, California. It provides a formal way to request time off from work or school.

This form is used for providers in California who only offer crossover services. It is a required document for providers to indicate their status as a crossover only provider.

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