Bhutan Federal Legal Forms are used for various legal purposes within the federal government of Bhutan. These forms are designed to collect and record important information pertaining to different aspects of government operations, such as employment applications, registration forms, or record-keeping for overtime work. They serve as a standardized means of communication and documentation within the Bhutanese federal government.
This document is used for submitting a job application in Bhutan. It includes personal information, qualifications, and employment history.
This form is used for requesting laboratory tests on service samples for the US Embassy in Bhutan.
This document is used for requesting and approving leave in Bhutan.
This document for recording weekly overtime hours worked in Bhutan.
This document is used for evaluating the performance of employees in Bhutan. It helps assess their achievements, strengths, and areas for improvement.
This type of document is used for applicants looking for employment in Bhutan. It includes personal information, work history, and qualifications.
This form is used for registering for official purposes in Bhutan.
This document is used for applying for civil service employment in Bhutan. It is a form that needs to be filled out with personal information and qualifications.