The North Carolina Department of Information Technology (NC DIT) is responsible for managing and supporting the information technology infrastructure and services for the state of North Carolina. Its primary goal is to ensure that the state government operates efficiently and effectively through the use of technology. The department provides services such as network management, cybersecurity, data center operations, application development, and technology procurement for various state agencies and departments. Its mission is to deliver innovative, reliable, and cost-effective technology solutions to meet the needs of the state government and its citizens.
This Form is used for making project decisions in the state of North Carolina. It helps to document and formalize the process of making important project decisions.
This form is used for filing an exception to security in North Carolina. It allows individuals or businesses to request an exemption from providing a security deposit in certain circumstances.
This form is used for requesting a procurement exception in North Carolina. It allows individuals or organizations to seek approval for purchasing goods or services outside the normal procurement process.
This document is for third-party providers in North Carolina to acknowledge their awareness of IRS disclosure requirements.
This document is a request form for obtaining OITS-administered Mainframe RACF access or User ID in North Carolina.
This Form is used for requesting RACF access and User IDs for the agency-administered mainframe in North Carolina.
This Form is used for requesting access to the Tms Vault in North Carolina.
This form is used for requesting a wireless LAN (WLAN) service in North Carolina. It helps individuals and businesses to set up wireless internet connectivity in their desired location.
This document is a service request form for requesting Wireless LAN (WLAN) service in North Carolina. It is used to initiate the installation or troubleshooting of a wireless network connection.