This document is a sample of an initial event notification form for health regulations in South Carolina. It is used to report and notify the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) about health-related events.
This document is a sample initial event notification form for obtaining South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) certification. It is used to report and provide information about an initial event or incident.
This type of document provides information about the Employee of the Year award in South Carolina. It may include details such as the selection process, eligibility criteria, and the benefits of winning the award.
This document is a sample of a Request for Determination form specific to South Carolina. It is used to formally request a decision or ruling on a particular matter.
This document is a sample of an electrical inspection report used in South Carolina.
This document is a review of a request for determination in South Carolina. It includes a sample of the attachment B form.
This document is an assessment of the critical or priority level of need for a specific sample in South Carolina. It helps identify the importance or urgency of the sample in question.
This document is an acknowledgement of choice form used in South Carolina. It is a sample document that confirms an individual's decision or selection.
This document provides a sample report of case management services rendered for ICF/IID discharge planning in South Carolina. It outlines the services provided and assists in creating a discharge plan for individuals in need of ICF/IID care.
This document authorizes the release of personal information in the state of South Carolina. Use this form to request and provide consent for the disclosure of specific information.
This Form is used for applying for capital funds in South Carolina.
This document is a sample Do Not Resuscitate Order specific to South Carolina. It provides guidelines for healthcare professionals in the event that a patient does not wish to be resuscitated.
This Form is used for providing sample personal funds documentation for residents of South Carolina.
This document is a sample of a regional bank signature card used in South Carolina. It is used for establishing a signature on file for account holders at the bank.
This document is a sample for recording group entertainment purchases made using a purchasing card, such as restaurant meals or movie tickets. It is specific to South Carolina.
This document is an employee acknowledgment form for the Ddsn Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy in South Carolina. It is used to ensure that employees understand and agree to comply with the policy.
This document provides the income standards for individuals and families applying for support in South Carolina. It outlines the eligibility criteria based on income for different types of assistance programs.
This document is a sample application form for respite funds in South Carolina. It can be used to request financial assistance for caregivers who need temporary relief from their caregiving duties.
This document is a sample application for Family Support Funding in South Carolina. It is used to apply for financial assistance for families in need.
This document is a sample inventory of personal property for overnight visits in South Carolina. It is used to keep track of items brought by guests during their stay.
This document is a sample form used in South Carolina to record personal property, including clothing and non-clothing items valued at $50 or more.
This document is a sample of a Group Withdrawal Draft (GWD) for South Carolina. It provides an example of how to withdraw from a group.
This document is a sample of a Leave Pool Donation Form used in South Carolina for employees who wish to donate their unused leave to a leave pool.
This document is a sample application form for becoming a Regional Bank Liaison in South Carolina.
This document is a sample form used in South Carolina to report suspected alcohol or drug impairment. It is used in situations where there is a suspicion of impaired driving or other activities due to the influence of alcohol or drugs.
This document provides a summary of blood and body fluid exposure incidents and testing in South Carolina. It includes a sample of the information collected and reported.
This type of document is a self-use review for the Epi-Pen Injection in South Carolina.
This document is a sample employee checklist for administering Epi-Pen injections in South Carolina. It provides guidance and requirements for employees who may need to administer Epi-Pen injections in emergency situations.
This document is a sample checklist for employees of South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (SCDDSN) regarding insulin pen injection. It provides guidelines and procedures for ensuring proper administration of insulin using a pen.
This document is a sample checklist for employees of the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (SCDDSN) for the use of glucometers. It outlines the specific steps and procedures to follow when using a glucometer.