Georgia Department of Community Affairs Forms

The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is responsible for promoting and safeguarding the wellbeing of Georgia's residents. It focuses on various areas such as community development, housing initiatives, economic development, and energy efficiency programs. The DCA works towards enhancing the quality of life for all Georgians by supporting affordable housing, assisting local governments, providing resources for community development projects, and promoting economic growth throughout the state.




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This form is used for requesting a search for a finished floor elevation certificate in Georgia. It can be used for mailing or faxing the request.

This document is a Notice of Intent for the Georgia Jobs Tax Credit in the state of Georgia. It is used by businesses to indicate their intention to claim a tax credit for creating new jobs in the state.

This document is an Affidavit form used in Georgia, United States. It is related to the specific section 50-36-1(E)(2) of the O.C.C.A code.

This document is for the annual certification required in Georgia. It is used for verifying compliance with the rules and regulations of the Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) program in the state.

This form is used for notifying individuals about health and safety concerns in the state of Georgia, United States. It helps promote a safe and healthy environment for residents and workers.

This document is a certification form that owners in Georgia, United States, use to verify their participation in providing supportive services. The form ensures that owners are complying with the necessary requirements for providing such services.

This Form is used for verifying assets for LIHTC/HOME programs in the state of Georgia, United States.

This document is used for obtaining the consent and release from a tenant in the state of Georgia, United States, for the purposes of LIHTC (Low-Income Housing Tax Credits) or HOME (Home Investment Partnership Program) programs.

This document is for unemployed applicants in Georgia (United States) who are seeking LIHTC/HOME assistance. It is an affidavit form that must be completed and submitted to provide proof of unemployment.

This document is used for certifying the annual ownership of a property in Georgia, United States. It is signed by the property owner(s) and serves as a legal acknowledgement of their ownership.

This Form is used for income certification in Georgia for the LIHTC/HOME program, which provides affordable housing options to low-income individuals and families.

This form is used for residents of Georgia who have a zero income household and are applying for LIHTC/HOME assistance.

This form is used for the intake of information for head of households and adults participating in the COC ESG HOH program in Georgia, United States.

This document is an intake form used in Georgia (United States) for the HMIS HOPWA program. It is specifically designed for collecting information about the head of households and adults participating in the program.

This form is used for HUD-VASH intake for children under 18 in Georgia, United States.

This document is used for the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) program intake interview for a child in the state of Georgia, United States.

This document is for parents or guardians in Georgia who want to apply for the Child RHY (Runaway and Homeless Youth) Intake program.

This document is an intake form used in the state of Georgia in the United States. It is used to collect information related to the Rhy Hoh program.

This form is used for child intake in Georgia (United States) outside federal programs.

This document is used for the intake process for the HUD-VASH program in Georgia, which provides housing assistance and supportive services to homeless veterans.

This document is used to verify an individual's employment in the state of Georgia, United States. It provides information about the person's current or past job, including their position, dates of employment, and salary.

This form is used for submitting intake information for non-federal households in Georgia (United States). It helps to determine eligibility for the Homeowners Property Tax Assistance program.

This document is used for the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Hoh Intake process in Georgia, United States.

This Form is used for collecting basic intake information in the state of Georgia, United States.

This document is an initial project assessment for the Downtown Development Revolving Loan Fund in Georgia. It provides an evaluation of a potential development project in downtown areas and determines its eligibility for a loan from the fund.

This document is used for the intake process of the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program for children in Georgia, United States. It helps gather information for providing assistance and support services to veteran families with children in need.

This document is an application for a loan from the Downtown Development Revolving Loan Fund in Georgia. The fund is intended to support economic development in downtown areas.

This document certifies that an individual or entity has not been debarred from doing business in the state of Georgia. It is used to demonstrate eligibility for contracts and grants.

This document provides the information about the designated person for communication purposes in the state of Georgia, United States.

This form is used for declaring the citizenship status of a household member who is 18 years of age or older in the state of Georgia, United States.

This document is used for the Georgia Annual Owner's Certification in the state of Georgia, United States. It is a form that owners of properties in Georgia fill out annually to certify their ownership and provide important information about the property.

This Form is used for collecting intake information for individuals seeking emergency shelter or street outreach services in Georgia, United States.

This Form is used for requesting a waiver for the maximum per unit total development cost in Georgia. It allows developers to apply for exceptions to the cost limits for affordable housing projects.

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