California Judicial Branch Forms




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This Form is used for reporting cases of abuse between siblings in the state of California. It is designed to document incidents and gather information related to the abuse.

This form is used for reporting cases of cruelty under Penal Code section 300(I) in California.

This form is used for reporting instances of cruelty in the state of California. It is written in Spanish.

This Form is used for the release of a JV-127 S Adoption (300(H)) form in California. It is written in Spanish.

This form is used for California residents when there is no provision for support in a joint venture agreement.

This Form is used for requesting modifications to child support payments in California without arrangements for maintenance.

This form is used for attaching additional information about visitation rights for parents, legal guardians, Indian custodians, or other important persons in the state of California.

This form is used for reporting liabilities at the end of an accounting period for both standard and simplified accounts in California.

This form is used for filing a petition in the state of California to modify, change, or set aside previous orders based on a change in circumstances.

This form is used for requesting permission to photograph, record, or broadcast media in the state of California. It is a document required to obtain legal authorization for capturing visuals and/or audio for media purposes.

This Form is used for documenting the six-month attachment period before finalizing the reunification of a child with their family in California under the Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 366.21(E).

This document allows individuals in California to attach additional pages to any form they are submitting. It provides extra space to provide additional information or documents that may be required.

This Form is used for providing a twelve-month permanency attachment for a child in California who has been reunified with their family. The purpose of this form is to document the child's successful return to their family after being in foster care.

This form is used for reporting other credits related to standard and simplified accounts in the state of California.

This form is used for distributing assets to a conservatee or ward in California. It is for the purpose of accounting for the distribution of assets and can be used for both standard and simplified accounts.

This form is used for reporting changes in the form of assets in California for Standard and Simplified Accounts.

This form is used for reporting disbursements from a simplified account in California. It is known as Form GC-405(C) Schedule C.

This Form is used for reporting and deducting losses on sales in California for both standard and simplified accounts.

This form is used for reporting additional property received during the period of account for standard and simplified accounts in California.

This Form is used for reporting the net income from a trade or business for tax purposes in California.

This Form is used for reporting disbursements, fiduciary fees, and attorney fees for a standard account in California.

This form is used to document the disbursements for a conservatee's residential or long-term care facility living expenses in California. It is specifically for the standard account.

This form is used for providing additional information about the individuals who were served with legal papers in a civil case in California.

This form is used for filing an exemplary damages attachment in California. It is used to support a claim for additional damages as a form of punishment for the defendant's actions.

This Form is used for a cause of action related to general negligence in California.

This Form is used for filing a cause of action related to fraud in California.

This form is used for filing a cause of action known as common counts in California.

This form is used as an attachment to the Notice of Child Custody Proceeding for an Indian Child in California. It provides additional information and details pertaining to the child custody case involving an Indian child.

This document provides a form for notifying the court about custody proceedings for an indigenous child in California.

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