The different types of shipments sent by and to the Department of Defence (DoD) r equire a host of notices and support forms. The seven-part DD 1348 Series is governed by the AR 725-50 and is used for making shipments under the Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) system. The forms are designed to be used in either a manual or an automatic data processing (ADP) supply operation.
The series includes seven forms in total:
All forms in the DD Form 1348 series are used for requisitions - including requisition follow-up, modification, and cancellation - and may be used as tracer request on overdue shipments sent by either certified or insured mail. The forms are necessary for all shipments to customers of the Department of Defense and may be prepared by the supply or shipping activity either digitally or manually in a legible and easy-to-read format.
This form serves as the continuation sheet for the DD Form 1348 and is used in requisitioning a National Stock Number (NSN) and part number items, as well as other items for which the sufficient identifying data cannot be included on the DD 1348.
This is an example of DD Form 1348-1A (Issue Release/Receipt Document) - a form that is used to command the release and shipment of material from stock.
This is a form used for recording Department of Defense (DoD) sales, returns, and issues. The form may also be used to document issues to non-DoD units under bilateral agreements.