Fill and Sign New York City Legal Forms




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This document allows New York City residents to apply for automatic payment of their property tax.

This document is used for applying for a property tax abatement for condominiums in New York City. It helps reduce the amount of property tax owed by eligible condominium owners.

This form is used for renewing and changing cooperative property tax abatement in New York City.

This form is used for renewing and changing the property tax abatement for condominiums in New York City.

This application is used to apply for the Fleet Program in New York City.

This document is an application used in New York City for the Stipulated Fine and Commercial Abatement Programs. It is used to apply for these programs which are designed to reduce fines and penalties for certain violations.

This document is a questionnaire used for investigating appointment-related matters in New York City. It gathers information relevant to the investigation process.

This form is used for obtaining a Certificate of No Change in New York City. It is required when there have been no changes to the information previously provided to the city.

This document certifies that an organization is exempt from registering with the New York State Charities Bureau in New York City. It confirms that the organization is exempt from certain regulatory requirements for charities operating within the city.

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