Virginia Legal Forms encompasses a wide range of legal documents for business, tax, and personal needs at both the local and state levels. Our free Virginia legal forms library has resources for documents to help you file your taxes, complete rentals contracts for business or housing properties, and many other situations where government forms are required. Each form comes complete with customizable templates that are issued and approved by the state of Virginia and contain the most up to date information on how and where to submit them. You can also print these documents at home without the need of a professional tax preparer or lawyer. To access a full list of free Virginia Legal Forms please check out our library below.
By using our state of Virginia legal forms library you can find help with the following information:
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This form is used for commercial drivers in Virginia to self-certify their commercial driver's license (CDL) status.
Form SUT 1, Vehicle Price Certification, also referred to as the Virginia Vehicle Bill of Sale, is a document used for documenting the sale of vehicles that are more than five years old.
This form is used for Virginia residents to petition qualified voters for a specific purpose.
This document is used for submitting a request for training in the state of Virginia.
This document is for Virginia motor carriers who are applying for a Certificate or License. It is used to authorize the release of additional information required for the application process.
This Form is used for creating an affidavit to be submitted in the District Court of Alexandria, Virginia. It is a legal document that contains sworn statements and is typically used as evidence in a court proceeding.
This form is used for reporting partial unemployment in the state of Virginia. It is used to provide information about your work hours and earnings when you are working part-time while collecting unemployment benefits.
This document is an application form for reissuing a permit for the disposal of sewage sludge in the state of Virginia. It is used by individuals or organizations seeking to continue operating a facility that handles sewage sludge.
This Form is used for evaluating the performance of employees working in the City of Richmond, Virginia.
This Form is used for tracking attendance of students in classroom instruction sessions in the state of Virginia.
This form is for those individuals who want to report an address change in the state of Virginia.
This form is used for obtaining permission to use dealer's license plates in Virginia.
This form is used for certifying the authority to transfer a Virginia title to another individual or entity. It is required when transferring ownership of a vehicle in Virginia.
This form is used for transferring a certificate of title with a lien in Virginia.
This Form is used for authorizing payment for licenses, ID cards, and records in the state of Virginia.
If you are a Virginia resident complete this form to transfer a vehicle lien or apply for a supplemental lien.
This form is used for calculating personal exemptions for tax purposes in the state of Virginia.
This Form is used for creating an Advance Directive for Health Care in the state of Virginia. It allows individuals to make decisions about their medical treatment in the event they become unable to communicate their wishes.
This form is used for keeping records of provider aides who offer personal or respite care services in the state of Virginia.
This document is used for claiming exemption from sales and use tax in Virginia. It is commonly used by individuals and organizations purchasing goods or services for certain exempt purposes.
This Form is used for recording the administration of medications in child day programs in Virginia. It is a model form provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services Division of Licensing Programs.
This Form is used for conducting a checklist to ensure work zone safety during construction, maintenance, utility, or permit activities in Virginia.
This Form is used for initiating employment in the state of Virginia.
This type of document is used for registering complaints in the state of Virginia.
This document is used for obtaining a certificate of occupancy in the City of Winchester, Virginia. It certifies that a building or structure is in compliance with all applicable building codes and is safe for occupancy.
This form is used for acknowledging completion of computer security training required by HIPAA in the state of Virginia.
This document provides a comprehensive advance directive for healthcare in Virginia, with specific provisions for mental health conditions. It allows individuals to outline their healthcare preferences and designate a trusted person to make decisions on their behalf, taking into account their mental health needs.