Personal Delivery Templates

Personal Delivery, also known as direct service or hand-delivery, is a method of delivering important legal documents directly to the intended recipient. This collection of documents provides a variety of templates and forms necessary for individuals and businesses to complete the process of personal delivery efficiently and effectively.

With the Affidavit of Service by Personal Delivery, individuals in Minnesota can ensure legal proof of delivery by completing this document after successfully delivering important paperwork. Similarly, the Certificate of Service by Personal Delivery serves as evidence of delivery in the state of Minnesota.

For those in New York City, the Form CIV-RCF-62 Service Other Than by Personal Delivery offers a standardized process for recording legal service not completed through personal delivery. Additionally, the Form CIV-RC-94 Affidavit of Service (Personal Delivery) is utilized to verify that the necessary paperwork has been successfully delivered in person within New York City.

The collection also includes the Affidavit of Service by Personal Delivery for individuals in North Dakota. This document provides a way to confirm the proper delivery of essential legal documents within the state.

No matter where you reside or operate, utilizing the personal delivery method is crucial for guaranteeing secure and reliable delivery of important legal documents. Explore our comprehensive selection of templates and forms to simplify the personal delivery process and ensure compliance with legal requirements.